Monday, January 19, 2009

P90X-Day 19

Today is supposed to be legs and back. But I am just doing back. I did plyo on friday night, and I pushed myself to the point of falling on the ground lol. My legs are UNBELIEVABLY sore! So lots of stretching and icing for me today.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

P90X-Day 17

Just getting ready to hit up chest and shoulders. Don't forget to add me to skype. Charles.Leslie3. Anyways, hope you guys are having as good of a time with this as I am:) The diet is now locked down and I'm giving 110% every workout. I'm going to be taking pics on day 30 so I'm pretty excited to see the results.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

P90X-Day 14

Well just finished up on Kenpo. Love that workout:) The diet is starting to become pretty routine now. I'm definately not craving junk and fast food as much as usual so the temptation is getting easier to resist. Starting to notice some changes in the abs/love handles so I'm really excited for that:) Well that's all I got for today. I'll catch ya tomorrow.

Monday, January 12, 2009

P90X-Day 12

Alright so just finished up the workout of day 12. I posted a few videos on youtube so feel free to check them out. I FINALLY am cracking down on the diet, woot woot! I cut back hours at work so I can focus on giving my workouts 100% without worrying about if I'll be late to work. Also, if anyone wants to get ahold of me, you can do so on skype or msn.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10-Sorry for the delay!!!

Alrighty guys and gals. I am on day 10 today. I haven't had the net in 2 weeks so now I am all set. I will be updating this daily and posting videos on my youtube channel weekly. I've had a bit of a rough start. I work 6 days a week, 7-9 hour shifts. So it's taking my body some getting use to getting up early again. As of tomorrow I will be getting strict on my diet. The workouts are MUCH harder than I remember from round 1 lol. I finally got over the "Soreness Week From Hell" as I call it, so now I am pushing myself harder. Well that's todays update, stay tuned!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Starting Taebo Tomorrow!

Alrighty, my first blog! I am officially starting my prep for P90X tomorrow. I will be doing 7 days of TaeBo, Billy's Bootcamp. I am planning on starting Round 2 on January 1st so stay tuned!